Friday, November 30, 2007

Coming Full Circle

Little Boy Blue returned from his visit today with a new outfit and a new jacket... lucky boy! He is fast asleep after what was a very exciting time (according to the transport worker).

What to say and what not to say... Hmmmm. I have to evaluate almost everything I write here in light of privacy issues. Over these past few months, there are millions of things that I have been unable to communicate due to Little Boy Blue's ongoing case. Also, there are many things that we choose not to tell anyone, even if his legal case were not an issue. Much of this is his story, not mine. Same with Prince Caspian... the story of his biological family is his to tell, we cannot spin it to our liking and present him in a skewed light.

So, back to today... it is now known where Mom is and when she is returning. What is not known is if she will seek to have another chance with CPS. If she seeks and is granted such mercy, she will have a 6-month extension (from the February trial date) to 'work her plan' before the termination trial occurs. Little Boy Blue will then be approaching 18-months. As it is, even if the trial is in February, he will almost be celebrating his first birthday.

The competing sides of this continue to boggle me... the right of Little Boy Blue to have a permanent home (wherever that may be) as soon as possible vs. the right of a Mommy to her child. At one time very recently, I weighed in heavily in favor of Little Boy Blue being with his Mommy. Once she exited without even a word to CPS, I have shifted completely into Mama Bear mode. I still pray for her often - for her wounds to ultimately be healed and her dark perspective to be brought into the Light. However, my intentional focus now is on ensuring Little Boy Blue a safe, loving, stable environment, with or without our family.

So, here we are. We've come full circle, I think. And here we go around the Mulberry bush again... but this time, Little Boy Blue has several very vocal warriors on his side.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how fostering helps us to see our character for what it really be challenged in ways that have never before surfaced...and to know that without Christ all this would be completely impossible.
I see the character of Christ in you... protecting the fatherless (and motherless), taking care of those that are neglected. Sometimes we are protecting those children from their own biological parents. Sometimes we have the opportunity to see a family turn their life completely around. And sometimes it is totally out of our hands. It certainly is a sobering reality to face...but in Christ, it is completely taken care of...This is a reality in which we can trust!

Walking this path with you,
Christy :)

p.s. Are you getting our emails?

Steve Sensenig said...

My lovely wife's comment says it all, so I'll just add an "amen".

Great to see you posting, Laura. Although I'm really sorry to hear that you have a long way to go with Little Boy Blue's permanency situation.