Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Zest For The New Task

Giving up something you love to do is difficult. Many Mommies temporarily give up things they love to do... gardening, sewing, baking, painting, etc in exchange for more time with their wee ones.

For me, when we made the decision to follow God and expand our family, I had the difficult task of, at least for the foreseeable future, giving up most of the work I had come to love. I've also found myself sacrificing my time in the garden... I did sow seeds with Baby Girl in a Baby pouch; however, the watering of those seeds was remembered in late July when all shoots were crispy.

I believe that God fills the void left from sacrificing one thing by birthing a love for something else within you; something that 'fits' within the time available. It may be reading alone for 10 minutes, it may be listening to good music, singing around the house, exercising, anything ... God fills in the gap with a tasty 'something else' to bring some sweetness to an ordinary, busy day.

Writing, I've found, is something that I love to do. The beautiful thing is that I would have never discovered an enjoyment for writing had I not let go of the work and, to some extent, my garden. To take it a step further, had we not heeded God's call to adopt, I would have still loved my work and my attempts to be a green thumb; however, I would have missed out on the sweetness of the 'something else.'

Journaling has always been a part of me. My journals are 'stream of consciousness' and not written for any one's eyes but my husband's, my God's and mine. My husband and a close friend have strict instructions to burn the mounting stack of spiral notebooks upon my death. With this blog, and another project an old friend has me working on, I can attempt something I've come to love at any hour of the day... for 5 minutes or 50, depending upon my schedule.

To write something that someone else would want to read is humbling. To share my life in the midst of strong emotions is freeing. To be once again given a task I love is amazing.


Anonymous said...

We are reading. And are blessed by it! Please keep writing. I get as much, if not more, out of the insights and thoughts you share as I do the actual accounts of your foster/adoptive journey.

You were going to email us a while ago about some pictures. Did you ever do that? If so, we never got it. Please resend :)

Barb said...


I had a few minutes so I decided to read some of your blog....what a wonderful voice you have in your writing.

I found myself pulled into your words and really refreshed by the journey you have been that I took 12 years ago when I first started homeschooling.

My kids are no 22, 20, 14, and 12 years old and I have not a single regret over anything I have left behind.

I loved your post about "things" because I have had the same experiences. My husband always has the potential for relocating in his job and I always tell him, "As long as we are together, I can homeschool, and can practice my faith....I will live in a tent if need be." Things don't matter so much anymore, it is nice to have things like the internet and books and my garden but what does it all matter in the end?

Thanks for sharing and for participating in our sketch Tuesday assignments.

Barb-Harmony Art Mom