Monday, May 21, 2007

Buying Stock in Kleenex

Two weeks ago we got the call... if you have read my previous entries, you know the one I'm referencing. Our precious baby girl has a family. Two completely opposite responses surfaced almost immediately...

First response - Praise God! Two brothers! Two beautiful brothers and a father who is somewhat involved, although he has terminated his rights to the boys.

Second response - No, it simply cannot be! We had it all planned out, we'd already decided on her name, her bedroom, her first car, where she would go to college... OK, so not quite that far. But we LOVE her. God, what are you thinking??

Funny, we've drifted back and forth between these two responses until as recently as last night. Our family and friends have talked it all through with us until we are all tired of speculation. We just accept. We take this gift for what it has been, pure joy!

We have had the unbelievable blessing of watching a child unfold; of witnessing the transformation of a little one reaching out to a family who desperately loves her. How could we ever ask for more?

Is this our 'plan', our ideal situation? Absolutely not. But do we finally rest in peace after wrestling with God? Absolutely.

Adios, mi hija bonita. Te amo mucho. Puede el asidero de Dios usted en la palma de la mano.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
