Thursday, June 12, 2008

I May Be Too Literal ...

Remember how our CPS caseworker mentioned we could adopt Little Boy Blue on the 91st day after the 90-day appeal period ends?? ... I suppose I am too literal for my own good. With all of the talk of moving bouncing around our house, we obviously desire things to progress with the adoption as quickly as possible. Plus, we just want him to be ours, permanently.

We found out today that she was exaggerating. It will take several weeks after the 90-day mark for them to get their documents together and do the official 'presentation' of his file to us. Since we've had him so long, nothing should be a surprise to us. However, we legally have to wait 24 hours after reading his file to say we want to move forward with his adoption. Next we have to sign paperwork and then, and only then, can the final hearing be scheduled.

What is another two or three weeks, I know, I know. And yet, I get my knickers in a twist over things like this. I like all of the information up front. Don't sideswipe me with more 'stuff.' We also found out that Covenant Kids will have to redo our home study to include Prince Caspian. And, they have a mile-long report to file to the court.


Lisa F. said...

Yes, to joining you for lunch. Am I too late in responding? I could be available Wed. or Thurs. Would love a catching up with friends as well. Lisa

gracie :) said...

How I wish we could get together for a cup of coffee that day! Oh, if we could live closer together! We are in NC for a family reunion at the beach all week. Fun days! Little Buddy absolutely loves the ocean and is keeping us on our toes this year. Hope you get in some great refreshing moments this week!